K-12 School Campus
Falls City ISD, Falls City, Texas
The new 160,000 GSF K-12 School is located on approximately 42-acres and includes an administration and classroom building, track and field, practice field, bus barn and associated parking along with other improvements. Upon completion of the new school construction, the existing school, situated on a 18-acre tract was demolished to allow the construction of a new football stadium, baseball and softball field, and associated parking.
GarzaEMC provided site civil design services for the project. The civil engineering services included a floodplain study and modification, site layout and design, grading and drainage design including several detention ponds, water and wastewater utility design, erosion control design and SWPPP, traffic control and TxDOT permitting, and the design for the rehabilitation of an existing wastewater lift station.
160,000 GSF