UH Cougar Village
UH Cougar Village

Cougar Village II

University of Houston System, Houston, Texas


The Cougar Village II student housing project was the second phase of two residence halls at the University of Houston campus. Like the first phase, the second phase consisted of two-bedroom, shared-bath units with staff and support space, and resident staff/resident assistant apartments. This 7-story, 300,000 GSF increased the number of beds on campus by more than 1,100 and further expanded the lively, academically supportive, and secure residential housing options available to students.


GarzaEMC provided civil engineering services. Highlights of the civil scope of work included a utility tunnel extension providing chilled water and steam to the building as well as the relocation of a major wastewater collector line, the addition of surface parking, and redesign of the common courtyard shared with Cougar Village I. The building is served by the central campus plant with chilled water, steam, and 12.47kV electric primary. The design also included systems for fire protection with break tank and fire pump; fire alarm system with voice evacuation; CCTV for security surveillance; card access controls for security intrusion monitoring and control; power generation for life safety systems; and telecommunication cabling.









300,000 GSF

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